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The 1982 Israeli Invasion of Lebanon Cannot be
Forgotten, as it Massacred 18,000 Lebanese and Palestinian Civilians
By James J.
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN,
April 13, 2019
Palestinian and Lebanese civilians massacred in Sabra and
Shatella, in Beirut, Lebanon, by Israeli invading forces, 1982 |
Bringing Back Memories of the Nightmarish Israeli Invasion of
Lebanon The New York Times headline on April 4th
was simple enough, "After 37-Year Search, Israel Recovers Body of a
Fallen Soldier," but the memories it dredged up were both painful and
Here's the simple news story that appeared this
past Thursday: Four days before Israelis will go the polls to vote, the
remains of Sergeant Zachary Baumel, who had gone missing in 1982 during
Israel's invasion of Lebanon, were returned to his family for burial.
The remains reportedly were found by Russian and Syrian troops and then
sent by Russia to Israel. The entire event is being celebrated in Israel
and being seen as a pre-election gift for Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, who is currently being hounded by pending criminal charges
ranging from corruption to bribery.
That might be the simple
story, but for anyone with attachment to Lebanon and memories of the
devastating war of the summer of 1982, this episode only served as a
painful reminder of deep wounds that will never heal. It was called a
war, but in reality what happened could better be termed the "barbaric
rape of a country." The Israelis with their superior air power and
artillery ran roughshod over the south of Lebanon and after bombarding
and destroying the magnificent western side of Beirut – devastating its
infrastructure and even destroying its hospitals. Israeli troops then
entered and occupied the city, plundering, looting, and terrorizing the
trapped civilian population as they moved through Beirut's ruins. While
some Americans recall the massacres in the Palestinian refugee camps of
Sabra and Shatilla (committed by Israeli-allied Lebanese militia as
Israelis stood guard at the camps' perimeters), in fact the entire war
was a massacre. In just three months, over
18,000 were killed (mostly
Lebanese and Palestinian civilians) and over 30,000 were
I remember this period all too well because I helped
start and then ran "Save Lebanon," a project to bring severely wounded
Lebanese and Palestinian children to the US for medical treatment that
was unavailable to them in bombed-out West Beirut. In all 65 maimed
children came to us. One little girl, Fayzeh Amin, lived with my family
for six months while doctors worked to save her cluster-bomb shattered
leg. I have a picture of Fayzeh and two other girls, Fatmeh and Amal, on
the wall of my office. It is a constant reminder of the pain of that
war. I also have a few hollowed-out Israeli cluster bomb casings I found
near a Palestinian camp in the south of Lebanon. They too serve as
reminders of the inhumanity of that period.
Less than a decade
and a half later, I joined then Vice-President Gore at a dinner at the
Israeli Knesset. I was one of the co-leaders of a project Gore had
launched in the post-Oslo period to help grow the Palestinian economy. I
admit to being more than a little uncomfortable at that dinner since I
was the only Arab American in a room filled with the members of the
Knesset, Gore, and the rest of his team. It became even more
uncomfortable when a boisterous former Israeli General, now Knesset
member, sat next to me and greeted me with "Ah, you are Lebanese. I've
visited your country. I love its beauty." Trying not to make a scene, I
merely said to him, "I know when you were there. You weren't a 'visitor'
and I know what you did while you were there. It was too painful and I
don't care to hear about it from you." As the evening went on, Gore,
maybe sensing that I was uneasy, came over to rescue me and brought me
to sit next to Leah Rabin, the wife of the late, assassinated Prime
Minister. He told her that I had just visited my family in Lebanon and
encouraged me to share my story with her.
I also recall from
that night that it was the lead up to the 1996 Israeli elections and the
Clinton Administration wanted nothing to do with Netanyahu, who was
challenging then Prime Minister Shimon Peres (who had succeeded Rabin
following the assassination); Gore appeared to make a determined effort
not speak to or even acknowledge Netanyahu. Mrs. Rabin noted this, at
one point, and told me, her voice filled with bitterness and sadness,
that she held Netanyahu responsible for the incitement that led to her
husband's murder. Enough said.
These were some of the memories
that came rushing to the fore as I read The New York Times article. The
problem is that these memories can't just be buried and laid to rest.
The maimed of Lebanon's war will be crippled for life. The families of
the those who were massacred from the air or by militia at point blank
range will continue to mourn their incalculable losses. Meanwhile, there
are Israelis who will still gloat over having "visited" Lebanon. And
Netanyahu, who was elected in 1996 on a platform promising to end the
peace process, not only met his goal during his first term, but came
back for three more terms. He now stands poised to win a fifth term and,
as perverse as it may be, is being helped by the return of the remains
of a soldier who died in the horrible invasion of the summer of 1982.
There are those who may say that I should just forget this
hurt-filled past and move on. Forgetting, however, isn't an option.
Justice is the only cure that will close those old wounds. And given
what is unfolding in today's Israel, justice seems further away than
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